Motivating children towards successful reading and writing from Nursery 1 to Primary 6
At preschool and early primary levels, Readers and Writers programmes are based on an outstanding quality-graded reading scheme with class activities that takes young children confidently through the initial stages of literacy not only in the classroom, but also at home. Our children take home beautifully-crafted fiction and non-fiction books to keep, as the foundation of a personal library to treasure for years to come.
After Primary 1 and up to Primary 6, our students are encouraged to appreciate literature of different genres. This extends reading and develops writing for different purposes, complementing success in school work for your child.

I Love Reading
(2 – 4 Years / Nursery 1 and 2)
Opening up a world of language
I Love Reading is a reading readiness programme to motivate young children to discover the world of print through the participation in drama activities that enables each child to develop stronger oral vocabulary. Based on Julia Gabriel’s very own creation, the Alphabet Zoo Book and characters, I Love Reading is a beginning exposure that enables children to experience language holistically, heightening their literacy skills.
In I Love Reading, our students will:
▪ Reading Skills: Learn to read with their peers individually and with the teacher
▪ Phonic & Reading Skills: recognize and name all the letters of the alphabet, sight words, use of picture cues through the use of Alphabet Zoo – a Julia Gabriel original
▪ Communication Skills: Learn to respond and retell stories orally in their own words with confidence
▪ Social Skills: Learn to share and play co-operatively, and how to borrow books independently to read at home with an adult
▪ Communication Skills: Develop and use simple vocabulary to express themselves
▪ Fine Motor Skills: Develop fine motor skills (e.g. learn how to hold a pencil correctly to draw and form letters and words), and learn how to sort and classify things (e.g. shapes, colours and objects)
“The teachers are really special and make a real effort to connect with each child.”

Let's Read & Write
(4 – 6 Years / Kindergarten 1 and 2)
Fostering a love of reading and writing through experiential learning
Through experiential learning, Let’s Read and Write focuses on skills to improve both oral and written expression, namely communication, listening, literacy, cognitive, fine-motor and creative skills. By working with carefully selected literature from both fiction and non-fiction, our students develop an interest in reading and writing from a very young age.
In Let’s Read & Write, our students will:
▪ Develop an interest in books and reading
▪ Communication Skills: talk about stories with confidence
▪ Listening Skills: Learn how to understand and follow verbal and written instructions
▪ Literacy Skills: Read age-appropriate stories, Build up awareness about language structure and awareness, phonics, vocabulary building, basic punctuation conventions, recognize and spell high-frequency words
▪ Cognitive Skills: Respond to questions confidently, Recount important parts of a story, Complete close passages
▪ Fine-Motor Skills: Learn about hand-writing and beginning spelling
▪ Creative Skills: Create a response to a story with pictures or text
“The Readers and Writers programme at Julia Gabriel Centre helped Amaatra excel at the writer’s workshop she has at her school. Amaatra always gets great comments for her writing and illustration from her school teachers. The personal attention she got from her teachers at Julia Gabriel Centre has encouraged Amaatra to discover her love for reading, writing and expressing herself!”

Think N'Ink
(6 – 12 Years / Primary 1 to 6)*
Becoming confident readers and writers
Carefully structured to help children succeed in school and meet the standards expected of lower-primary students, Readers and Writers focuses on key literacy skills such as comprehension and composition through a text-type approach with an increasing emphasis on written responses to stories. Our students are also gradually guided through creative, composition and functional writing to develop enthusiasm for writing and to build their confidence as writers.
*This programme is currently only offered for Primary 1 students at our Kuala Lumpur centre.
In Think N' Ink, our Primary 1-5 students will:
▪ Cognitive Skills: Read a wide variety of age-appropriate genres and texts for fluency and increased understanding
▪ Creative Skills: Reflect on and write responses to stories with increasing description and detail, create different endings to stories
▪ Critical-thinking Skills: Use a range of strategies to predict and check, Develop lateral and inferential thinking to support comprehension, book and author reviews
▪ Literacy Skills: Increase awareness of grammar, sentence structure and punctuation, and the writing process (e.g. different elements of a story)
▪ Vocabulary Skills: be exposed to a variety of texts for range of thematic vocabulary
▪ Writing Skills: Encourage range of writing contexts: creative, composition and functional writing
Our Primary 6 Think N’Ink students will learn specific skills to ease their transition into secondary school education. This includes:
▪ Life skills: develop learning strategies to succeed and own style of creative writing
▪ Critical-Thinking Skills: analyze characters, infer meaning, evaluate, interpret content critically, learn to confidently answer multiple-choice and comprehension questions and cloze passages
▪ Cognitive Skills: learn how to map a story, understand elements of story
▪ Literacy Skills: learn the distinctions in reading and writing for different purposes, including stories, composition and reports
▪ Vocabulary & Grammar Skills: Read a range of chapter books with increasing fluency and understanding, use a wide range of age-appropriate vocabulary, understand and apply the correct and accurate tenses and key elements of grammar with increasing complexity
▪ Writing Skills: Explore different genres of writing, proof-reading, peer and self-editing and publishing, develop own style of creative writing
The focus for each primary level Think N’Ink is customized according to the needs of our students as well as to the meet the standards expected of lower-primary students. WhatsApp +6011 1068 8882 to ask for details on the Think N’Ink curriculum for the respective levels.
“My child is attending the Readers and Writers Primary 1 class. He enjoys going to the class and looks forward to it weekly. The class is lively and interactive where the children exchange and share their ideas freely. The children are exposed to various forms of literature and each story teaches the children different forms of values. Khatijah is encouraging and caring towards her students. The teacher’s delivery and cohesive learning environment make the lesson appealing.”