English Literacy
Language & Literacy I Reading

Language and Literacy
We use the Oxford Reading Tree from the United Kingdom as our core reading scheme. This wide ranging scheme is supplemented by a selection of fiction and non-fiction works as reading fluency builds. The child progresses to basic literacy skills in Nursery and Kindergarten 1 to an understanding and enjoyment of text during Kindergarten 2. Reading and language are coupled with individual creativity and fluency in writing skills. Conversation, drama and singing are an integral part of our whole language approach to the growth of literacy skills in the classroom.

Beginning in Nursery 2, the children are introduced to our core reading scheme, the Oxford Reading Tree from the United Kingdom. Oxford Reading Tree is a well-established and popular reading scheme which has proven to be highly successful in developing children’s literacy skills. This scheme makes literacy fun as it has stories that children want to read. They readily identify with the family characters and story lines. Activities are designed to link the stories to specific skills such as the ability to read with understanding, predict, retell, sequence events and extend story ideas. To further enhance reading opportunities, the children borrow a wide range of children’s literature daily to share at home.