Content Creation & Coding


Content Creation

Children will become digital creators by exploring different paths of content creation. They will have opportunities to be digital storytellers, become researchers and work with others.

The Content Creation programme will teach our Nursery 2, and Kindergarten 1 and 2 children, basic digital literacy by exploring various tools and technology. Children will work in teams and express themselves creatively and confidently through writing and dramatisation, before transposing their ideas to a digital platform. Collaborating with peers fosters social skills and critical thinking skills, and a respect for the work of others in a safe environment.

Children will be equipped with guidelines and practices for becoming positive digital citizens who can use online resources responsibly and safely. They will be empowered to become active participants mindful of their digital footprint.



Coding skills are essential in today’s digital age. Julia Gabriel Preschool’s coding programme is designed to teach young children technological literacy, boost their problem-solving skills and enhance their creativity.

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