Aesthetic and Creative
Speech & Drama I Music I Theme and Art & Craft | Creative Expression

Speech & Drama
A key component of our EduDrama® methodology is to develop life skills through the use of drama. Weekly sessions are conducted by our Speech and Drama specialist teachers following the term’s theme where the children will be invited to participate in a range of drama-based activities including vocal and body warm-ups, communication games, speech work and creative drama. These activities aim to build confidence, communication skills and a sense of belonging, as our children learn to work together to explore and expand ideas. At the Kindergarten level, our children will work towards the Silver and Gold Awards of the Young Performers Certificate, awarded by Trinity College London. Their work will be presented to a Trinity College London examiner.
“Preparing for this assessment is an extension of the dramatic play led by the speech and drama teacher over the course of the year. The group experience here means that every child in the class can participate and experience success.” – Fiona Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Principal of Schools, Julia Gabriel Education Singapore.

Music is an integral component of any early childhood education programme. Our educators work with the children each week to explore a range of musical concepts such as rhythm, tempo and beat, as well as engaging children in movement activities. They are exposed to different types of music, including classical, children’s songs and music from different countries and cultures. The class teachers also include music in their daily programme through their circle time activities and daily routines.

Theme and Art & Craft
At each level, the children explore a range of age-appropriate themes. The thematic activities are planned to build knowledge and skills whilst enhancing the creative development of the children. Both individual and small group projects allow for the exploration of ideas related to the theme and give the children the opportunity to develop the ability to plan, problem solve and present. Along with themes, many areas of our curriculum are expressed through art and craft using a wide range of materials and techniques appropriate to the children’s development. The activities stimulate their interest and at the same time develop creative thinking, decision making and problem solving skills.

Creative Expression
Through a variety of specially curated activities, this open-ended programme encourages the children to unleash their sense of creativity; from body movement activities to games like magic hats, magic stones, performances and creative art and craft, we make learning as natural as play. These activities aim to provide children with a platform to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas as they learn to communicate visually. With our teachers acting as facilitators, guiding them through the creative process, the children will have the freedom to explore and discover at their own pace.
Creative Expression is offered as part of our After School Care programmes.